The Congolese Environment Agency (ACE) Will Begin Working Sessions With BlueGrace Energy Bolivia, Mbombo Investment Group, and Maximance 2030 to Secure Certification for 80M Hectares of Congolese Forests and to Launch a Carbon Credit Investment Bank.

The Congolese Environment Agency (ACE) Will Begin Working Sessions With BlueGrace Energy Bolivia, Mbombo Investment Group, and Maximance 2030 to Secure Certification for 80M Hectares of Congolese Forests and to Launch a Carbon Credit Investment Bank.

The partnership will certify Congolese forests for sustainable management, establish a Carbon Credit Investment Bank, and invest in healthcare, health insurance, and education. These initiatives aim to protect natural resources, generate economic opportunities, and...


16% de los bosques bolivianos está siendo protegido desde mediados de 2022 por Bluegrace Energy Bolivia

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