República Democrática del Congo, 80 Millones de Hectáreas protegidas por Mbombo Investment Group, Blue Grace Energy Bolivia y Joao Ricardo Miranda

Mbombo Investment Group Acuerda la Facilitación de 80 Millones de Hectáreas

Con el propósito de desarrollar sustentablemente la tierra y conservar el ambiente, Mbombo Investment Group ha acordado la facilitación de adquisición de 80 millones de hectáreas de tierra de la República Democrática del Congo, este proyecto será asumido por Bluegrace Energy Bolivia.

Un líder destacado en salud y filantropía

El señor Mbombo cuenta con una trayectoria notable en gestión de proyectos, liderazgo e innovación. Sus contribuciones al avance de la salud han sido reconocidas por varias agencias especializadas de la ONU, incluida la UNESCO. Fue seleccionado por la Comisión Europea como joven líder influyente e invitado a Bruselas para debatir sobre las desigualdades en la salud junto con la Organización Mundial de la Salud.

Además, la Coalición Holandesa para la Innovación Humanitaria lo eligió entre los 3 finalistas para el Premio a la Mejor Innovación Humanitaria 2019. El señor Mbombo está contribuyendo a atraer 2.200 millones de dólares para un nuevo modelo de inversión para África en la República Democrática del Congo.

Como filántropo, el señor Mbombo fundó Solidaridad en el Mundo (Solidariedade Na Mokili) y ha ayudado a más de 10 millones de personas desde su creación en 2015.

El acuerdo reza lo siguiente:


This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is entered into on April 04, 2024, by andbetween:

MBOMBO INVESTMENT GROUP, represented by Dr. LOUISON MBOMBO BITILO, Chief Executive Officer, Avenue Bon Accueil 02, Socimat, Gombe-Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, hereinafter referred to as “Mbombo Investment Group”;


BLUEGRACE ENERGY BOLIVIA SRL (Limited Liability Company) with Tax Identification Number NIT No. 424660027, Commercial Registry – SEPREC No. 424660027, with legal address at Cuarto Anillo Esq. Avenida San Martín, Equipetrol Torre 2, Floor 9, Building Block 40, of the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra Plurinational State of Bolivia, legally represented by Messrs.: JULIO JOSÉ MONTENEGRO, as CEO FOUNDER, with Passport No. A04704775 USA, address MIAMI USA, Telephone: +1(305)972-6173; Email: and NELSON OSMAR PINEDA MARTÍNEZ, as FOUNDER – LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE, with Identity Card 4756913, Passport No. FE42769 BOL, address SANTA CRUZ BOLIVIA, Telephone: +591 71472257; Email:; website:;


JOAO RICARDO MIRANDA, Director Brazil, fourth ring, Esq. Av San Martin, Equipetrol Tower 2, Floor 9, Building “Manzana 40” Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, hereinafter referred to as “Joao Ricardo Miranda”.

WHEREAS, Mbombo Investment Group, Bluegrace Energy Bolivia SRL, and Joao Ricardo Miranda collectively desire to collaborate on projects aimed at environmental conservation, community development, infrastructure improvement, and economic empowerment.

RCCM: KNG/RCCM/20-A-05188, ID. NAT.: 01-93-N60953M 2, avenue Bon accueil, Q/ Haut commandement/ Kinshasa- Gombe E-mail: Tél: +243 896 340 889

WHEREAS the parties recognize the importance of preserving forests, supporting localcommunities, constructing houses and schools, establishing emergency and bomber stations to combat fires, and exploring local fruits for exportation.

WHEREAS the parties acknowledge the significance of sustainable development and environmental protection in their operations.

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

1. Partnership Scope: The parties agree to collaborate on projects undertaken by Bluegrace Energy Bolivia SRL in Bolivia, with a focus on preserving forests, supporting local communities, building houses and schools, hospitals establishing emergency and bomber stations for firefighting, and exploring local fruits for exportation.

2. Acquisition of Land: Mbombo Investment Group agrees to facilitate the acquisition of 80 million hectares of land in the Democratic Republic of Congo for the purposes of sustainable development and environmental conservation projects undertaken by Bluegrace Energy Bolivia SRL.

3. Responsibilities: Each party shall be responsible for their respective roles and obligations as outlined in any subsequent agreements or project plans. Mbombo Investment Group shall provide necessary support and assistance to ensure the successful implementation of projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Bluegrace Energy Bolivia SRL shall oversee and execute projects in Bolivia in accordance with the agreed-upon objectives.

4. Consultation and Collaboration: The parties shall consult and collaborate closely to ensure alignment of objectives, effective communication, and mutual cooperation throughout the duration of the partnership.

5. Term: This MoU shall come into effect upon signature by all parties and shall remain in force for a period of 5 years.

6. Amendments: Any amendments or modifications to this MoU sha. in writing and duly signed by all parties. 2/3

RCCM: KNG/RCCM/20-A-05188, ID. NAT.: 01-93-N60953M 2, avenue Bon accueil, Q/ Haut commandement/ Kinshasa- Gombe Tél: +243 896 340 889

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