14 November 2024, London, U.K.Julio José Montenegro, CEO of BlueGrace Energy Bolivia, announced a trio of groundbreaking initiatives uniting financial, environmental, and ethical goals. Each endeavor underscores BGE’s commitment to the UN’s Sustainable Development...
En el Corazón de la Amazonía: Un Compromiso con las Comunidades y el Planeta
"El jaguar, símbolo de sabiduría y poder, encuentra en Julio Montenegro a un aliado que lucha por preservar la cultura y el conocimiento ancestral." En BlueGrace Energy Bolivia, creemos que la energía limpia y el desarrollo sostenible van de la mano. Nuestros...
BLUEGRACE ENERGY BOLIVIA & MAXIMANCE 2030 PARTNER Released 07:00:14 19 August 2024 / RNS Number : 8955A https://www.londonstockexchange.com/news-article/market-news/bluegrace-energy-working-sessions-with-ace/16623862 The Congolese Environment Agency (ACE)...
The Congolese Environment Agency (ACE) Will Begin Working Sessions With BlueGrace Energy Bolivia, Mbombo Investment Group, and Maximance 2030 to Secure Certification for 80M Hectares of Congolese Forests and to Launch a Carbon Credit Investment Bank.
The partnership will certify Congolese forests for sustainable management, establish a Carbon Credit Investment Bank, and invest in healthcare, health insurance, and education. These initiatives aim to protect natural resources, generate economic opportunities, and...
Bluegrace Energy Bolivia firma nuevo acuerdo con organización de agricultores y ganaderos bolivianos
Novedades de nuestro equipo en Bolivia: Bluegrace Energy Bolivia, ha firmado un nuevo convenio marco de cooperación interinstitucional con la Unión Nacional de Pequeños Ganaderos y Agricultores (UNAPEGA) con el propósito de trabajar de manera conjunta en la búsqueda...
Bluegrace Public Statement
Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, July 18, 2024Public Statement. Dear Stakeholders/Partners, We have recently discovered that BlueGrace Energy Bolivia S.R.L used the U.N. Global Compact logo in some of our communications and PR materials without proper authorization....
BlueGrace Energy Bolivia Expands Regional Collaboration with PH Plus to Bring Alkaline Water in Biodegradable Bottles to The Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida.
In a significant collaboration, BlueGrace Energy Bolivia (BGEB) and PH Plus have joined forces to provide PH Plus alkaline water in biodegradable bottles to their restaurants and hotels in South Florida. LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM / ACCESSWIRE / June 18, 2024 / Julio...
AXIOM Life and Health Inc
BLUEGRACE ENERGY BOLIVIA & MAXIMANCE 2030 PARTNER BlueGrace Energy Bolivia (BGEB) and Maximance 2030 Partner with AXIOM Life and Health Inc., in Strategic Collaboration to Provide Health and Financing Solutions to Impoverished and Indigenous Communities...
Salud para Comunidades Indígenas
Axiom Life and Health Inc. se Asocia con Maximance 2030 LTD y Bluegrace Energy Bolivia SRL para Brindar Soluciones de Salud y Financiamiento Axiom Life and Health Inc. anunció hoy un acuerdo de colaboración con Maximance 2030 LTD y Bluegrace Energy Bolivia SRL con el...
Mbombo Investment Group y BlueGrace Bolivia proyectos de desarrollo sostenible
Mbombo Investment Group y BlueGrace Bolivia se comprometen a adquirir 80 millones de hectáreas para proyectos de desarrollo sostenible en la República Democrática del Congo (RDC) a través de asociaciones público-privadas. Detalles del acuerdo: Mbombo Investment Group...
16% de los bosques bolivianos está siendo protegido desde mediados de 2022 por Bluegrace Energy Bolivia